Sunday, February 9, 2014


Interview with a Master
by Jason Luke

It's the interview like no other.
It's the interview of a lifetime.
It's THE Interview with a Master.
When Jonah Noble reveals details of his life within the world of BDSM, the tale he tells is intensely erotic, profoundly sensual, and brutally honest.
This is His world. His way.
There is only one question the man will not answer…

(BDSM erotica from a man's POV, written by a man. Contains some explicit language)
I was given an ARC for an honest review.
Lets start with that!!
When I first heard of this book, my first thoughts were "how good can this possibly was wriiten by a man." As I started to read, it immediately captured my attention. It's an interview of a Master in the BDSM a MAN'S POV.  I was pleasantly surprised, even before getting to know Jason Luke himself.

There have been many books that I have needed "recovery time" from. This book is no different...maybe even worse!! I finished reading this book for the first time 3 days ago, I have read it 4 more times since, hoping to get it out of my system. such luck!
Okay okay okay...lets get to my actual review.....
When one thinks of BDSM, I can almost promise the first thing/person they think of is Christian Grey from the infamous Fifty Shades of Grey.
Poor Leticia, I don't think the poor girl knew what she was in for. Doing a piece for the newspaper she is working for, she gets the honor of interviewing Jonah Noble. But getting tired of the "superficial and quite frankly immature" questions, he offers her an 'in' to the lifestyle.
"The door is right there, Miss Fall. You can walk out right now for all I care, or you can sit back down and we can do a proper interview."

This entire book had me feeling as if I was there watching through an interrogation window. It was so wonderfully written, I felt like I was a part of the story! The passion Jason created between Jonah and Leticia was totally swoon worthy, not to mention it had me on the edge of my seat waiting for something...ANYTHING to happen between the two of them! This is the only thing that had me wanting to kick his ass instead of dry humping it. He kept her ( the best of his ability) at a distance that was 'friendly' and strictly professional, that proved harder as his rule of "Do ut des" had him wanting to learn more about her which was virgin territory for him.
 Little does Jason realize, and many will agree, he pretty much wrote a manual on how men need to view women in general. WORD! After I read this, I was ready to chuck my iPad at my husband and order him to read it. Jason says things that everyman, even if they are the bestest's of partners, should have tattooed somewhere where they can read it on a daily basis! I shall unofficially refer to Jason as the "Woman Whisperer"!
If you haven't picked this book up yet DROP WHATEVER YOU ARE READING!
This book had me all over the place emotionally and I'm still recovering! It had me swooning, laughing, tearing up, fanning myself and dropping my panties!
I am itching to see what Jason has in store for us next. Will he continue Jonah and Leticia's story? Will he continue to write erotica? *sigh* I guess only time with tell!
Come on, you know we are ALL hoping and praying he does!

A very special thank you to Mr. Jason Luke aka Master J. aka the Woman Whisperer. You have made it so completely easy to pimp this book. It was an absolute joy getting to know and work with you!
One Chick with a Clicky Wrist wishes you nothing but the very best in all of your future endeavors!
Author Contacts:

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